Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Well...I can't believe its been almost 2 years since I have updated my blog, I fail! There have been so many things that have happened. For starters Mikell and I have been married for a year and 1/2 and it has been wonderful! We have made a ton a changes, for starters Mikell graduated from EAC and we are now finishing our Music Education degrees from BYU - I. Overall we love it here except that Rexburg is FREEZING!!!!! It has been a challenge being away from family and close friends, but we have been able to grow closer and make lots of new friends. Although I can' t wait to finish so we can get back to Arizona for good.
Our first semester here has been crazy busy but it has been great! We both worked our butts off and we both got full tuition scholarships plus small music scholarships! We couldn't be happier because we both will most likely be traveling this next semester :) Here at BYU-I , Mikell is loved by the band, he is a pretty amazing percussionist (no surprise there)! I have been blessed to be in Collegiate Singers, which is the top group here and its been great to be in group with people who really sing great! I was completely surprised when I was asked to be a section leader, and it has been a great learning experience! I'm really looking forward to this next semester if I make Collegiate again, because they are traveling to Africa. Do you know how awesome that would be?!?!? So I really need to step up my game at auditions coming up.
Well we are looking forward to this next semester, and I can't wait for it to start! Hope you all had a very Merry Christmas! PS I am making a goal to update way more!
Sunday, January 2, 2011
So Saturday morning I get attacked by my friend who was staying with me, and she made up this story that we had to go to the temple to find her sister. I did all I could to not go becuase I was still dead to the world. So, I got up, didnt brush my teeth or put on a stinking bra!! (im mad at her for that!!) Anywho, so I take her to the temple so that we can find her "sister". She told me to go one way and she would go the other, so i was walking not really paying attention and then i see Mikell by the enterance of the temple. I was completely shocked because I honestly didnt believe it was gonna happen till like Feb. or somthing. Well, we watched the sunrise and he said alot of cute and sappy things and then got down on one knee, and of course during this time im crying my eyes out. Seriously, my glass fogged up on me! After I tried to control my emotions, I spotted my sister Wendi taking pics in the bushes. Apparently he was in contact with my family, without my knowing, which is pretty hard cuz i can almost find out everything :)
Sooooooo, anywho im soooo excited for this new adventure!! We are going to get married in the Mesa Temple on May 19 th !!!!!

I love him so much! Just disregaurd that im wearing basketball shorts :)

Sunday, November 14, 2010
I Love to See the Temple!
I love that Mikell and I always go atleast once a week...ITS AMAZING!!!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Oops my bad...

My beautiful sisters!!

These are just part of the kids I coached!
One of my best friends ever...she would be soo sad if I didnt come back! (jk) her. We had so much fun during Fall Sing
While we were waiting for "Beauty and the Beast" to start :)
Thursday, May 20, 2010
I Guess I Should Update Again!!

As a Tradition in choir we have the usual "Cry Day Friday" and yes it was a cry day for me, mostly because I was saying goodbye to alot of people. It wasn't a "Goodbye Ill never see you again" , it was a "I'm really gonna miss performing with you". For me performing is everything and some of the people in choir I've been forforming with for 2 years, so it is gonna be werid not performing with them. That day Dr. B had us sing one of our songs "Grateful" and there is a line in where it says..."I've got a family of friends", as I looked around at everyone there and realized that the friends I had made were my family. I can honestly say that I have made my closest friends in choir.
Disney...not so surprised :)

the fam
All Jones girls, all of whom went to EAC (besides mommy)
The group
Some freakin awesome girls
Another fun thing that happened...LACEY GOT MARRIED!!! Lacey and Pat got married and they looked sooo happy. A few of us to the road trip to see them. It was a very fun trip. So funny story, we get to St. Johns and saw a reception outside and thought "Hey we found it!" so we are walking in and I see the bride kiss the groom, but the groom wasnt Pat. We quickly realized that that wasnt their reception. Laceys was actually down the road alittle more...ooppsy :)

Well since the summer has started alot has been going on. Im currently the Head Swim Coach for the Stapley Night team and i LOVE IT!! Nothing beats getting a tan while doing something I love. However, the biggest surprise of the summer is Tiffany and Jeffs wedding!! Which is being pulled off in less then 4 weeks!!! yeah thats family is CRAZY!!! But Im very happy for them, they are a very cute couple and I have never seen Tiff more happy :) That my friends is how things have been. It is crazy but GREAT!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
My Crazy Life!!!

A week and a half later was our Jazz Singers tour. It was a rather short tour, but it was alot of fun to go to Mesa with some of my closest friends and perform. However, it was pretty draining because we did 5 shows in less then 24hrs. It was a very entertaining tour including our blonde moment on "Blonde" ...."Shoe be" oh priceless moments!!! I realized on this tour how much I gonna miss quartet, we have a great chemistry as a group and we have a blast together. Ive thought about doing it again but I dont think I will because...a) i hate waking up early and b) I dont think anyone can top this years group!!!
A week later we had Spring Sing!!! Oh my heck, I have never been in a more physically and emotionally draining show before. If I counted correctly, I sang 30 songs for this show. Yeah, my voice is sooooo dead right now, I woke up this morning with a really manly voice even more so than Im used to. Anywho, everything about this show was great!! Except for the fact that the girls quartet had to go right after company, and we were soo dead tired from company we barely had enough energy to pull off "Cuz I'm a Blonde" but somehow we did it!!! Our Company set was alot of fun, I have never danced sooo much im my entire life, I dont know how i pulled it off, Heck i dont know how all of company pulled it off but we did. I have to say my favorite song was "SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPIALIDOCIOUS", partly because Lauren ROCKED as Mary Poppins, I dont know why Bishop didnt have her do it before!!! Anywho, the company set was great except for our little sound mishap we had on Saturday but I think we covered it well. I think the hardest part of this show was realizing that this was gonna be the last time I perform with some of my dearest friends. Needless to say, I cried alot these last few days, it was kind of embarrassing. It was really a great experience to have all of my sisters sing "The Lord BLess You and Keep You" for the last night. Im gonna miss choir sooo much next year. Howvere, its not just the music that im gonna miss, it gonna be the friendships that i have made. I know that my plan is to come back next year but things could change so I decided that I would treat this as my last Spring Sing.
Here are all the Company girls, we had such a blast this year
These are some of my closest friends in choir
The one person that Im gonna miss the most is Lauren, she helped me through some of the hardest times in my life and has been a great example of always laughing at life even when it gets so hard. Im so grateful she decided to come back and do choir one more year. Singing the "Lord Bless You" was sooo hard, we both were crying the entire time.
Its gonna be werid to do it without her next year.
Its werid to think that Im graduating in 2 weeks, these last two years have gone by soo fast! I'm still not sure what I want to do with my life but I know im gonna enjoy life no matter what happens!!
Monday, March 15, 2010
White Mountain Tour!
Our day started at 4am, we were DEAD!!

Yeah, we are pretty much gangsta!! haha I love Princess!!
It was kind of sad to think that this is probably one of my last tour, but all good things must come to an end! It was a blast while it lasted!! Now i just need to figure out what to do with my life...easy right?