I'm so so so sorry I haven't blogged in forever, but life has been super crazy busy!!! So much has happened since I blogged last. Well, to start off, those of us in A Cappella and band were lucky enough to start our spring break early by going on a short tour around southern Arizona. It was ooodles and ooodles of fun!!
Nice face Lorriane!!
Then on Saturday morning my friend Sophie and I drove to Mesa, by way of getting stranded at a Toys 'R' Us...with our disgusting giant dinosaur egg gum balls! The rest of the day was super super long, but I got to play with my neice CALI JO!!! I LOVE HER AND MISS HER SO MUCH!!!
Ain't she the cutest!!!
The best part of my spring break was spending time with my sisters Wendi and Tiff in Florida!! IT WAS A BLAST!! I miss my sisters so much! We had so much fun!! They made sure my time there was such a blast. Which includes breakfast with mad hatter and other characters and saving the world Kim Possible style and so much more fun!! I cant wait for them to come home this summer so that we can party some more!
Ah the ever so attractive Prince Caspian
He was the funniest dude EVER!!
Its the Jones girls and Bruce...aka Dr. Bishop
I love my sisters! I miss them!
Well as you can see my Spring Break was a ball. And im sorry its taken forever to blog it, but the musical has been running my life. But hey, its almost over. YAY ME!! Well must go..,peace out!!